…interview mit nextguruNow im buch COOLaussehen

cool aussehen …Die Moden der Jugendkulturen…ist ein traum…diese buch sollte in keinem bücherregal  fehlen…..sicherlich das spannenste buch zum thema youth culture das ich seit jahren gelesen habe….tolle beiträge, super fotos…..und ein interview über unser label zu zeiten von techno und technik….  : „Firmen wie Nike, Adidas oder Puma haben damals gemerkt, dass es eine neue Szene gab, die sie nicht verstanden haben: Jugendliche trafen sich in komischen Räumen, die niemand kannte, und hören merkwürdige technische Musik. Die sahen schon ihre Felle davonschwimmen und engagierten Leute aus der Szene, die Bescheid wussten. Das hat ungefähr zwei Jahre gedauert,  dann war Clubwear überall, ein Massenprodukt. Kommerz. Ein Camouflage-Overkill.“

Wandel durch Technik – Martin Wuttke (Next G+U.R+U Now) im Gespräch mit Olga Blumhardt

mehr zum buch und infos http://coolaussehen.de















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…styling for the brand inscene

stlying and concept for the print campain for the karstadt „inscene“ collection and location scouting. nextgurunow biete fashion styling für pr kampagnien, und foto shootings

…world tronic festival berlin

„haus der kulturen der welt“ today. all of you who are interested in digital sounds and despite global networking and international exchange, check out this highly interesting festival. we cant wait to

…bangkok research

thai brands. bangkok is becoming more and more interesting as hong kong, tokyo or korean fashion brands open up own concept stores. second hand and vintage are key trends for the youngsters to make a hot impression beyond the global brands. interesting to see that the hype about the h&m maison margiela coop was much bigger than in europe, one of the fast growing brands is DA+PP the new young line from the label dapper. check out the neo geometric bag collection from ROUGE ROUGE : fantastic shapes, very good workmanships, smart details. the collection of the antwerp thai collection CURATED by EK THONPRASERT was one of our personal highlights_ http://www.facebook.com/CURATEDbyEK.

…clouds of flavors_inhale drinks_the fashion diet

the scientist david edwards has invented an inspiring carafe to inhale a zero-calorie culinary experience ..looks like smelling wine. with the specially designed straw it`s possible to inhale food or drinks  guilt-free………as some of you have followed the trend forecast for the hds, you remember the space fiction trend theme…..: here is a highly interesting update.“imagine a cloud of flavor wafting up from a glass bowl, resembling something between a surprising carafe and a mysterious globe. you delicately inhale the cloud. “

see the clip abaout „le whaf“  here: http://vimeo.com/37063514

invented by david edwards, scientist, writer and founder of le laboratoire, and designed by the culinary designer marc bretillot, le whaf

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…new SOTO menswear store_berlin

torstrasse has made his name as the trendy shopping mile since more than a year. soto, is known for adult skate and upper street wear brands. the new soto store is located next door and offers a more adult selection of neo casual menswear and accessories, shoes, candles, hats, and magazines.