…on TRIBA space chanel

triba space ..thanks for this nice pict and report  to the guys from triba space…a platform that is a must see for each fashion profashional…..„We met Uta and Martin from Next Guru Now. On their many years of experience in the international market the agency offers proffessional support for complete development process including concept, design …

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…style leaders exhibition nextgurunow

style leaders vs. curiosity: „nextgurunow founders uta riechers wuttke and martin wuttke present an exhibition of photographs centered on the personal image of the „role models“. street photographs taken from global fashion hot spots contrast the subject with a detail in their immediate environment.“

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photographic surfari bali grom surf contest

our surfari and photographic  research for wgsn london. print and board graphic research. interviews with young indo balinese surf talents:style , music, fashion.

here are some higlight  shots from this amzing avent: postive people…freaking youngsters…and great hot styling directions and details….
