Once again the Berlin Art Week was an inspiring festival with a massive programme. International galleries and and new inspiring artist from all over the world. Our favorite best new Gallery was Bernheimer Contemporary (Heckmann Höfe) and the artist Jan Kuck: © Bernheimer Contemporary: „the focus of Jan Kuck’s lies on conceptional and performance art. This …

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Interview with the amazing artist Pascale Marthine Tayou

any readers loved the picts of the Pascale Marthine Tayou exhibition in Malaga. Therefore: here is a warm, positive and inspiring video interview Video: © Louisiana Channel, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, 2016 / Camera: Klaus Elmer


Pascale Marthine Tayou in the CAC museum Malaga: the FIRST SOLO SHOWOF TAYOU IN SPAIN…..till 11.June2016.
Tayou`s work is inspired by the cultural differences between Europe and Africa. In his creations, he is using materials and objects fro

Gallery Weekend: XOOOOX !

The Berlin gallery weekend is coming up from April 29th to May 1st. One of our highlights is the exhibition from Berlin based artist XOOOOX at the Circle Culture Gallery:
XOOOOX : APRIL 30 UNTIL JUNE 11, 2016 during the gallery weekend
Picture: © XOOOOX

Text © Circle Culture Gallery: “ The figurative stencils are known from the street art scenes of Berlin and other world capitals. If one opens up to the works of XOOOOX, it will bear fruitful dialog, based on pressing issues and

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Berlin Alternative Fashion Week

The Berlin Alternative Fashion Week (hold last weekend) is a perfect event if you are looking for inspirations in between the season, especially for prints, and streetwear directions. Once again the BAFW was thrilling and powerful. Some of our highlights: TATA CHRISTIANE & ZL by ZSLISM, real veagn bags fromLucky Nelly, and for a childishly, positive and naive look at the world: the performance art outfits from JUSTYNA KOEKE. Enjoy the pictures from the amazing shows here.  © of all pictures: nextguruNow.



Berlin Alternative Fashion Week is a platform showcasing the rise of alternative concepts in

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London_Trend Updates_3_16

BOLONGARO TREVOR LONDON….. you find hidden gems like the fantastic HOSTEM store or small independet designer brands near Brick Lane. The biggest surprise on this research trip was the refined and powerful new direction of Maharishi. The Tate Modern … Bolongaro Trevor in Soho, or small independet designer brands


new location in Berlin for innovative interior design: The AMAZING CROCODILE Design Store. From well known names such as Seletti, Jana Kubischik offers products and home accessories from fresh and amazing