nyc_fashion week_trend selection

next guru now , uta riechers wuttke, martin wuttke , trend reseach , new york fashion week september 2013_ trend updates, the nyc fashion week and the trend selection leather fair were impressive_very optimistic_here are some higlights from the street shooting safari during the fashion week in september and some picts from the fair : expect boxy bags_urban fusion and a bold backpack invasion for summer 14_green_yellow and ethnic influences on pettit pochette bags and hobos. as we report for our clients we can show only

takashi murakami_portrait on nowness

from nowness: „japan’s explosive master of color takashi murakami contemplates the shifting purpose of his work in today’s short from friend & colleague. the tokyo-born artist was interviewed while surrounded by new pieces at his arhat exhibition at laortly after the international premiere of fantastical epic jellyfish eyes, which took place at los angeles county museum of art (lacma) in ap. famous pop artist takatshi murakami also know for his work for louis vuitton bags and scarfes….talks

club to catwalk_fashion expo at v&a london

80s new romantics make an exhibition of themselves at v&a museum in london

from boy george to visage, steve strange, up to marc almond to sigue sigue sputnik . the new romantics made one of the most impressive fashion statements in history. a must see is the creative explosion of london fashion in the 1980s in a major exhibition at the v&a:

victoria and albert museum

10 july 2013 – 16 february 2014

more than 85 outfits….london fashion in the 1980s showcases the bold and exciting new looks by the most experimental young designers of the decade, including betty jackson, katharine hamnett, wendy dagworthy and john galliano.

here are the details from the v&a press department:„the exhibition traces the emerging theatricality in british fashion as the capital’s vibrant and eclectic club scene influenced a new

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…CHVRCHES the new it band touring germany

…for all who work already on the winter season 2014_15 : check out the new CHVRCHES video….: RECOVER is the first single of the first ep…dark_3d_galactica_for me it`s very inspirational…and uplifting !!! the scottish band is the hip act for 2013: electro meets fairies meets synthie power pop…..: lead singer lauren mayberry will be the_it girl_media darling_ in the next year…..

happy to see chvrches live in berlin 19th april at berghain. it`s completely sold out…but the guys will be back in germany in may. see the tourdates for germany here after the _more….

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…major lazer_world tour_one gig in germany

major lazer, diplo_one of THE most influential producers and remixer_part of the major lazer project will stop in berlin during the free the universe tour_a must see event if you are ready for tropical bass_ragga

…tribal paradise_trend confirmation_HDS|L forecast

in celebration of their new denim collection born in africa and worn by a new generation of creative talents.
featuring the real action dance crew. filmed in soweto and directed by sean metelerkamp. song by the very best & moroka –

…moraima ramos de diesbach INADEQUATE movie production

o is able to produce a powerful, cutting edge promotional movie, documentaries or trailer……. than check out the INADEQUATE site.

we worked together with moraima ramos de diesbach for severals seasons on more than 11 trailers in london, berlin, scandinavia and spain…..and the experience was stunning and very successful. the movie reports for the consulting agency promostyl put the focus on life styles in sociological, cultural and fashion trends.