interview europefashion berlin

hier einige kurze statements zum ersten Messetag der berlin fashion week winter 15_16: statements, video:

panorama berlin_martin wuttke agentur next-guru-now auf der panorama berlin_24.

paper & tea_berlin_minimal store design

luckily, there are also things outside of the fashion industry. we love P & T: the second store of the reatil concept p & t has opened a second venue in mitte. the store combines a mix of

the burger_global IT food revolution

for all fans of buns and patties…here is an amazing article from stil in berlin about the BURGERS & HIP HOP party at prince charles berlin: the best cheeseburger from berlin is officially nominated: piri`s burger on wiener strasse berlin is the winner !here is the report from stil in berlin: stil in berlin: best chees burger.

berlin alternative fashion week_save the date

berlin alternative fashion week_save the date

get ready for fresh talents, new approach and bright visuals at the first berlin alternative fashion week: 1st october – 5th october: berlin alternative fashion week is a platform showcasing the rise of alternative concepts in fashion. with a week-long programme of shows and marketplaces, it aims to promote influential, genre-breaking innovators and connect them with established contemporaries in the fields of fashion, music and art, in a context that isn’t constrained or dominated by big brands and labels. highlights will be for sure the show from roberto piqueras and tata christiane

nextguruNOW_wikipedia germany

Gründung der Designagentur nextguruNow zusammen mit seiner Ehefrau Uta Riechers-Wuttke ist er für Bekleidungsfirmen und Taschenhersteller als Designer tätig. Seine wichtigsten Arbeiten waren Streetwear-Kollektionen für Kangaroos, Helly Hansen und AemKei. Einen großen Teil seiner Tätigkeiten macht der Bereich Trendreport[1] und Konzept aus. Für Karstadt Sport erstellte er das Fanartikelkonzept für den FIFA Worldcup 2006. Außerdem ist er auf der Internationalen Lederwarenmesse verantwortlich für die Tendreports[2][3].martin wuttke designer Modeschöpfer, berlin.

Kapitel 16

„Firmen wie Nike, Adidas oder Puma haben damals gemerkt, dass es eine neue Szene gab, die sie nicht verstanden haben: Jugendliche trafen sich in komischen Räumen, die niemand kannte, und hören merkwürdige technische Musik. Die sahen schon ihre Felle davonschwimmen und engagierten Leute aus der Szene, die Bescheid wussten. Das hat ungefähr zwei Jahre gedauert, dann war Clubwear überall, ein Massenprodukt. Kommerz. Ein Camouflage-Overkill.“

Wandel durch Technik – Martin Wuttke (Next G+U.R+U Now) im Gespräch mit Olga Blumhardt

panorama fair magazine_interview with nextguruNow.

…the new edition of the panorama magazine no.2, is published online today, and gives an excellent overview of the current situation of the fashion industry. many thanks to the panorama team and ralf strotmeier for this interview about our agency. we wish you a successful panorama berlin fair…read the interview CHASING THE ZEITGEIST in the panorama fair magazine N0.2 here:


In 1995, the two fashion designers Uta Riechers-Wuttke and Martin Wuttke formed their Berlin agency nextguruNow, offering trend forecasts and design services for fashion and accessories companies. Panorama Berlin Magazine met the two for an interview in their creative office in Berlin-Mitte.

Your trend agency nextguruNow has been involved in the fashion industry for over 15 years now; to what factors do you attribute your success? The product is the cornerstone of every brand and our primary focus. From checking existing design concepts to restructuring collections, trend research can help define the right type of positioning. However, we have to consider various concepts and designs for a brand, to properly capture and express its soul. We offer professional support during design processes, adapted to our customers’ individual needs.

What is the emphasis of your work? To help give our customers a strategic lead in the market, we anticipate which trends will be most influential in the lifestyle sector, the arts, music, and, of course, fashion. Personalised trend books for fashion and bag labels are also what make us unique. We also focus on exclusive designs for leatherware. Last, but not least, trend

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new visitor regulations for the upcoming BREAD & BUTTER in berlin the date…..BREAD & BUTTER will start from 02.7 –04.07.2013…..under the motto CONNECT: the tradeshow for selected brands is an exclusive event for authorized trade visitors.  as such it is not open to the public and only registered visitors and accredited media representatives can gain access to the show. here is an very intertesing article about the new registration system for the upcoming show. be quick: the deadline for the online accreditation is 21.06.2013….read more here: europe fashion

or check the details on the BREAD & BUTTER site…..:

Media representatives with a distinct relation to the fashion industry assigned for editorial coverage can get accredited until
June 21st, 2013 for the professional visit of the event.

Due to its international significance, ‚BREAD & BUTTER – tradeshow for successful brands‘ has advanced to become one of Europe’s most frequented fashion tradeshows. The seasonally held event is an international trade and communication platform for the whole fashion industry, including industry related service contractors and providers.

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