nextguruNow in the new clam magazine_interview

nextguruNow. in the new issue of one of our favorite magazines, CLAM: the fresh issue….Andy Amadi Okoroafor and his team are visionary trendsetters.CLAM mag is based in paris and is available from nyc, to africa, from tokyo to shanghai…in your independent high end bookstores….check out the magazine selling points on facebook .


find the full interview  after the jump….

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…fashion week berlin_some personal highlights from the fairs


… are some directional impressions of the berlin fashion week berlin winter 2012_13 ….. tradition_ethno_heritage_glam_modern sleek elegance_remixed hyper culture_loads of restyled 60`s_reduction_and YES also color are the key words for the winter season:

….color was a theme that was missed by many buyers i spoke  to…but especially at the female section at premium for example: rena lange_rinai_and at the amazing day by birger et mikkelson colletion..color and patchwork was more than visible: mondrian colors_bold ethnic brights for dresses, knitwear and jackets. it will be a season full of suspense…..and for all of you who have the BVLK trend themes from us in mind: beside all the tradition and warm aristo grunge themes….be sure that  the trend themes_smart minimal and_bright culture _are not to be underestimated.

more impressions from the birght, BBB and preium after the jump

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…berlin updates stores and museum

…here are some  store and location updates for berlin…check out the amazing angry chicken food stall in kreuzberg, and don`t miss the amazing selection of COLORFUL fashion at the happy store on Torstrasse 67 ……have fun with the impressions of  berlin……last not least: the newly opened computer spiele museum berlin is amazing !!!!


angry chicken _ skalitzerstr. 36 _  10999 Berlin Kreuzberg

computer game museum : oldies  but  goldies…..they have them all..from pac man to mario bros…so nice to see them kickin again…

o see them kickin again.

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… at berlin fashion week

will see you for sure @ THE PROJEKTGALERIE SHOWROOM -one of the best showrooms during the berlin fashion week::::::
the Fashion Fair Insitution for upcoming international designers
and brands from High Fashion-, Street- and Avantgarde Scene.
The exclusive showroom (professional audience and trade experts only)
and corresponding special events will take place

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