…nextguruNow street shooting published in the LR mag

a great selection  from the nextguruNow bag trend research safari that we did in june is published in the new june issue of the LR magazine…..thanks to all the beautiful and inspiring models..thanks to brick lane..shoreditch…and the streets of london.. have a glimpse here….

…london trend update

successful meetings with the uk trend teams…lots of positive energy .. … …massive store and trend reseach from marylebone_shoreditch hoxton hipsters to new bond street_from conceptual  b store to high street overkill at topshop_uniqlo_river island_topshop…up to .. the fashion temples of selfridges_libertys_harvey.nichols……..ALFRED DUNHILL house is a dream !!! BAGS and street looks:  sensational  retro styles_colour flash_dots and naive patterns……ethnic …

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…be part of the reanimation of wardrobe into FASHION

schmidt takahashi  ( Eugenie Schmidt and Mariko Takahashi)…are collecting garments again : … BE PART OF THE  „Reanimation“ of fashion……. let your wardrobe be an inspiration for berlins hottest  talents…….follow the movement …you can drop your clothing  and items at the fantastic store of the TRÜFFELSCHWEIN TEAM in central berlin mitte…..

For our new collection we need a lot of used garments, which are no longer wanted in your wardrobe. We want to involve you into our project „Reanimation“, if you would like to donate these garments. Your clothes will receive another life as a part of the collection of schmidttakahashi. In the future you can trace their new lives at our website (www.schmidttakahashi.de) and find out what they turn out to be.
You can donate your diverse worn garnments such as coats, jackets, trousers, shirts or accessoires (excluding underwear) into the container, which is located at our favorite men’s wear store“Trüffelschwein“. We are looking forward to find yours in our container.
Rosa-Luxemburg-Str . 21
10178 Berlin
Mon – Sat  12:00 am – 8:00 pm

…muglers new campain with rick zombie boy

all of you who have seen our  BVLK fashion forecast presentation summer 12  _  remember Rick „zombie boy “ the muse of nicola formichetti for the new mugler menswear line…here are some new pictures form the mugler menswear line shooting….AMAZING…thanks to NICOLA FORMICHETTI’S BLOG!! we love the pants….we love the collection !! nicola is really …

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…I.L.M show video online

..the official ILM catwalk show trailer is just released on  the ILM messe offenbach web site…..thanks to all who made both shows so memorable…..thanks to all the textile and accessory collections who supported both shows !! ILM CATWALK SHOWS WINTERSTYLES MARCH 2011 the trailer is dopne by showzone http://www.showzone.eu/

…trend expert martin wuttke_FRANKFURTER RUNDSCHAU

frankfurter rundschau _ 2011

frankfurter rundschau covers the ILM trend directions…sorry its all in german….but the pictures from the official ILM press shooting (robert lichtenberg)….are amazing in any „language“….have also a look at the first blue article_ pictures…….after the jump.

Weniger Schwarz, Khaki und Beige, dafür mehr grelle Farben, futuristische Formen und trendige Schnitte. Für Martin Wuttke, Fashion-Experte bei der gestern gestarteten internationalen Lederwarenmesse ILM „Winter Styles“ in Offenbach, ist klar: „Die neuen Kollektionen an Handtaschen, Schuhen und Lederbekleidung sind nicht mehr staubtrocken und für die großen Kleiderschränke, sondern frisch und progressiv.“……….. Fashion-Experte Wuttke sieht das pragmatischer: „Einkäufer müssen wachsende Preise irgendwann akzeptieren.“ Gerade bei Leder und Mode habe Qualität eben ihren Preis. Mit den auf der Messe vorgestellten Kollektionen, die sich unter anderem an Science-Fiction-Filmen und am Sixties-Look orientieren, will er den Markt wieder ankurbeln. Jede neue Modeshow bringe einen neuen Trend hervor − und das fördere den Absatz.

Max Biederbeck  for FRANKFUTER RUNDSCHAU  http://www.fr-online.de/wirtschaft/der-sixties-look-ist-wieder-chic/-/1472780/8268214/-/index.html

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…ILM press shooting

the amazing ROBERT LICHTENBERG did once again a fantastic job for the official ILM fair press shooting…..expect pure power and elegance from the press pictures. the complete shooting will be available for the press on the first day of the fair….25.3.2011…