…lineapelle bologna_highlights and impressions

the summer 13 lineapelle  edition in bologna was very positive….and highly inspiring, even in a time of rising raw hide prices. as we did a research for clients on the fair, we can`t publish a full report here. but as usual we would like to share some ideas and innovation news from the fair.

in general it was visible that italy had a very tough winter season in the retail business. as in all european fashion centers, also in bologna and verona the high streets are more and more the same: same brands, similar products….concerning trend spotting you have to invest some extra time to find the „hidden gems“. two examples are the amazing stores MACONDO and the amazing new concept store WOODEN ( via fama 15) both in the back streets of verona.

especially the WOODEN store offers a great japanese meets italian craftsmen-ship orientated selection of up and coming brands plus a in house collection. great and friendly guys with a sense for minimalism and style without chichi !!! check them out on facebook: WOODEN

more images from the lineapelle fair leather trends after the more jump…

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…the future of fashion_nextguruNow reports in the schuhkurier mag

the 65 issue of the shoe magazine_schuh kurier_asked 65 specialist about their opinion concerning the future of lifestyle and fashion. we are happy that nextguruNow was chosen to explain our view…amongst other experts like andreas steinle from the zukunftsinstitut or marga indra heide from modeurope and prof.dr wildner from the gfk. sorry the magazine and the article is in german only…

Recycling und die Neuentwicklung biochemischer Materialien wird eine kreative Revolution im Bereich der Textilien auslösen.Denim wird ausschliesslich aus recycelter Baumwolle im Mix mit Papier, Bambus oder Hanffasern hergestellt werden. Modelables wie Twosquaremeter, die bereits heute Pullover aus Braunalgen anbieten, werden keine Avantgardisten mehr sein. Der Einsatz von Stoffen  z.B aus Mlichfasern wird in jedem Kleiderschrank zu finden sein.Designer werden gemeinsam mit Molekularbiologen und Chemikern neue Kollektionen entwickeln. Diese „Fashion Scientists“ werden  Trends setzen, indem sie sich mit  Künstlern und

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