ILM_summer styles_messe offenbach_highlights in der TM

save the date: I.L.M Offenbach zeigt Ledertaschen und Trends….erstmalig unter der neuen Messeleitung von Arnd Hinrich Kappe……hier der Bericht der TM zum Programm der ILM :….21-23-September. Der „I.L.M AWARD 2013 – Innovationspreis der Internationalen Lederwaren Messe Offenbach“ zeichnet in den drei Kategorien Basic, Fashion und Newcomer hervorragendes Produktdesign, überzeugende Markenkonzepte und einen beeindruckenden Erstauftritt der rund 250 internationalen und nationalen Aussteller auf der Messe aus. Die Preisverleihung ist einer der Höhepunkte auf der diesjährigen I.L.M. Summer Styles.

Täglich Modeschauen auf dem Catwalk: Die I.L.M Summer Styles zeigt Toptrends und Must-Haves der Lederwarenmode 2014 bei täglichen Modenschauen auf dem Catwalk. Neben diesen Fixpunkten der Messe gibt es zur Modeinformation der Fachbesucher täglich einen Trendvortrag sowie Look-Books und Fashion-Points zu den Trendwelten des Sommers 2014.

Blick in die übernächste Saison mit dem Fashion Forecast: Über die Trends des kommenden Sommers hinaus bietet die I.L.M Summer Styles 2013 schon jetzt einen informativen Blick auf die Trends der Folgesaison. Dieser Service vom Modeurop Fashion Pool im DSI ermöglicht Herstellern, Designern, Importeuren sowie Fachhändlern und der Presse einen frühen Eindruck der modischen Entwicklungen und so auch eine langfristige Planung. Die Forecast-Präsentation wird von den Fashion Consultants von nextguruNow. – Martin Wuttke und Uta Riechers-Wuttke gezeigt.

Die I.L.M. Summer Styles in

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takashi murakami_portrait on nowness

from nowness: „japan’s explosive master of color takashi murakami contemplates the shifting purpose of his work in today’s short from friend & colleague. the tokyo-born artist was interviewed while surrounded by new pieces at his arhat exhibition at laortly after the international premiere of fantastical epic jellyfish eyes, which took place at los angeles county museum of art (lacma) in ap. famous pop artist takatshi murakami also know for his work for louis vuitton bags and scarfes….talks

club to catwalk_fashion expo at v&a london

80s new romantics make an exhibition of themselves at v&a museum in london

from boy george to visage, steve strange, up to marc almond to sigue sigue sputnik . the new romantics made one of the most impressive fashion statements in history. a must see is the creative explosion of london fashion in the 1980s in a major exhibition at the v&a:

victoria and albert museum

10 july 2013 – 16 february 2014

more than 85 outfits….london fashion in the 1980s showcases the bold and exciting new looks by the most experimental young designers of the decade, including betty jackson, katharine hamnett, wendy dagworthy and john galliano.

here are the details from the v&a press department:„the exhibition traces the emerging theatricality in british fashion as the capital’s vibrant and eclectic club scene influenced a new

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new visitor regulations for the upcoming BREAD & BUTTER in berlin the date…..BREAD & BUTTER will start from 02.7 –04.07.2013…..under the motto CONNECT: the tradeshow for selected brands is an exclusive event for authorized trade visitors.  as such it is not open to the public and only registered visitors and accredited media representatives can gain access to the show. here is an very intertesing article about the new registration system for the upcoming show. be quick: the deadline for the online accreditation is 21.06.2013….read more here: europe fashion

or check the details on the BREAD & BUTTER site…..:

Media representatives with a distinct relation to the fashion industry assigned for editorial coverage can get accredited until
June 21st, 2013 for the professional visit of the event.

Due to its international significance, ‚BREAD & BUTTER – tradeshow for successful brands‘ has advanced to become one of Europe’s most frequented fashion tradeshows. The seasonally held event is an international trade and communication platform for the whole fashion industry, including industry related service contractors and providers.

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street food thursday at markthalle 9

street food thursday at markthalle 9….nyc or london have a long tradition of food stalls…now belin is proud to welcome the global food mix @markthalle 9. a mix of global street food is the concept for the new thursday events at the famous eco green market hall in kreuzbergs markthalle 9. each thursday the hobby cooks or professional cookers bring up new and inspiring dishes of food traditions from the home countries. the first event was very successful; the

…nicola formichetti left mugler_new on board at diesel

.in the last 15 month we mentioned the amazing power and creativity of nicola formichetti on this blog….from zombie boy to g-dragon, he brought suspense and freshness to the house of mugler. he has now the new artistic director for the brand diesel…..formichetti will be involved in all creative aspects of the brand and will primarily be working on the diesel reboot campaign.we are very existed who he will influence the denim giant…….here is the new diesel reboot campaign on tumblr :..artistic, provocative

…CHVRCHES the new it band touring germany

…for all who work already on the winter season 2014_15 : check out the new CHVRCHES video….: RECOVER is the first single of the first ep…dark_3d_galactica_for me it`s very inspirational…and uplifting !!! the scottish band is the hip act for 2013: electro meets fairies meets synthie power pop…..: lead singer lauren mayberry will be the_it girl_media darling_ in the next year…..

happy to see chvrches live in berlin 19th april at berghain. it`s completely sold out…but the guys will be back in germany in may. see the tourdates for germany here after the _more….

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