Here are some picts from the new I.L.M Look Book. We are happy that our styling concept worked so well. Please note: © of the picts belongs to the I.L.M picture are from


Martin Wuttke and Uta Riechers-Wuttke of the Berlin Trend Agency nextguruNow have summarized the topics, trends, colors and materials that will be important for Summer 2018. The Forecast contains the signals of the most important leather surfaces and colors as well as the groundbreaking silhouettes and forms in the area of Bags in words and pictures. The …

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nextgurunow_im SHOEZ magazin

Thanks an die Redaktion vom SHOEZ Magazin, Nadine L’Allemand, Georg Kamnakis, für die Einladung im Bereich „Köpfe“ befragt zu werden. Gute Sasion für euch !!! Anbei zwei Auszüge.  ©picture: Robert Lichtenberg

NYC Trend Research_Moderuop colour meeting_Su 2018

During the MODEUROP colour meeting that took place for the first time in NYC, we jumped up and down from W.Burg to Dumbo and back to Manhattan for  hardcore art and store research. Most inspiring was the amazing live gig from Phantogram and especially The Range at the Hammersmith. Watch out for James in 2017, he …

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nextguruNow Lederwaren Report Future

Danke an Lederwarenreport für die Einladung für 70 Jahre Sternefled Verlag eine Doppelseite für euch zu gestalten: alles BESTE für weitere 70 Jahre Lederwarenreport. ©pictures nextguruNow.

ILM Catwalk Show direction_Styling

The ILM fair Summer Styles was very busy and successful. We are happy that the Catwalk shows were such a visitor magnet. Here are some images from the catwalk shows and from the ILM look book shooting. Catwalk Show direction, conception, and styling of the shootings: nextguruNow. © of all pictures: ILM Offenbach / Photographer: Robert …

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