The ModEurop Colour Meeting took place in Alfeld at the Fagus company. The Fagus factory is a UNESCO world heritag buliding, and the start of the famous Bauhaus movement. It was once again an inspiring meeting with several trend lectures, and a presentation from our bag and lifestyle trends for summer 2019.  The Fashion experts …

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The color meeting for the leather colors season spring / summer 2019 will take place in Alfeld Germany from 17.10-18.10.2017. For all informations concerning the registration for the color conference please contact the ModEurop team: info(at) nextguruNow will give a shortcut forecast about the bag trends as well as a season mood and some …

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nextgurunow_im SHOEZ magazin

Thanks an die Redaktion vom SHOEZ Magazin, Nadine L’Allemand, Georg Kamnakis, für die Einladung im Bereich „Köpfe“ befragt zu werden. Gute Sasion für euch !!! Anbei zwei Auszüge.  ©picture: Robert Lichtenberg

seasonal guidelines_NEW YORKER_NEXTGURUNOW

extract of long term trendbooks  – smog red and smog

realisation of seasonal trendbooks  – pointing out the long term trends to the menswear buying department
design of  complete collections / intakes monthly collection built up for menswear and boy’s streetwear – graphic input and briefing of the graphic design teams. worldwide trend and fabric research on fairs like pv, pitti filati, up to intersttoff asia hk. overgiving of the concrete designs to the international production agents from turkey, to asia,hk. research at fashion hot spots and international fairs.

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…fashion forecast winter 2010_11

bvlk fashion forecast
since 2008

martin wuttke refers the upcoming tendencies for  leathergoods to the audience at the bvlk fashion forecast in march 2010 held during the international leathergoods fair i.L.M. in offenbacmartin wuttke refers the upcoming ernatioies for  leathergoods to the audience at the bvlk fashion forecast in march

martin wuttke refers the upcoming tendencies for  leathergoods to the audience at the bvlk fashion forecast in march 2010 held during the international leathergoods fair i.L.M. in offenbach