ILM_summer styles_messe offenbach_highlights in der TM

save the date: I.L.M Offenbach zeigt Ledertaschen und Trends….erstmalig unter der neuen Messeleitung von Arnd Hinrich Kappe……hier der Bericht der TM zum Programm der ILM :….21-23-September. Der „I.L.M AWARD 2013 – Innovationspreis der Internationalen Lederwaren Messe Offenbach“ zeichnet in den drei Kategorien Basic, Fashion und Newcomer hervorragendes Produktdesign, überzeugende Markenkonzepte und einen beeindruckenden Erstauftritt der rund 250 internationalen und nationalen Aussteller auf der Messe aus. Die Preisverleihung ist einer der Höhepunkte auf der diesjährigen I.L.M. Summer Styles.

Täglich Modeschauen auf dem Catwalk: Die I.L.M Summer Styles zeigt Toptrends und Must-Haves der Lederwarenmode 2014 bei täglichen Modenschauen auf dem Catwalk. Neben diesen Fixpunkten der Messe gibt es zur Modeinformation der Fachbesucher täglich einen Trendvortrag sowie Look-Books und Fashion-Points zu den Trendwelten des Sommers 2014.

Blick in die übernächste Saison mit dem Fashion Forecast: Über die Trends des kommenden Sommers hinaus bietet die I.L.M Summer Styles 2013 schon jetzt einen informativen Blick auf die Trends der Folgesaison. Dieser Service vom Modeurop Fashion Pool im DSI ermöglicht Herstellern, Designern, Importeuren sowie Fachhändlern und der Presse einen frühen Eindruck der modischen Entwicklungen und so auch eine langfristige Planung. Die Forecast-Präsentation wird von den Fashion Consultants von nextguruNow. – Martin Wuttke und Uta Riechers-Wuttke gezeigt.

Die I.L.M. Summer Styles in

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takashi murakami_portrait on nowness

from nowness: „japan’s explosive master of color takashi murakami contemplates the shifting purpose of his work in today’s short from friend & colleague. the tokyo-born artist was interviewed while surrounded by new pieces at his arhat exhibition at laortly after the international premiere of fantastical epic jellyfish eyes, which took place at los angeles county museum of art (lacma) in ap. famous pop artist takatshi murakami also know for his work for louis vuitton bags and scarfes….talks

…letter from berlin_WGSN LONDON

wgsn: trend informations and updates from berlin. monthly updates  and insight_what new in: lifestyle, music, restaurants, night life, art, stores, designers and fashion hot spots.

monthly reports and special foto and lifestyle consumer study:  team member for more than 8 years.

client voices:

– its been a real pleasure to work with you over the years, your cheerfulness and enthusiasm is infectious!

lindsey dupler_wgsn

– this looks great! we will definitely put into art pulse and probably an exhibition review bitesize.


– hi there martin and very interesting info on retail  berlin this month.

i love the geometry store. I’d like to include it in the monthly round up of new stores, looks very cool.

amanda carr_store design and visual merchandising editor_wgsn

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as you have noticed the blog was a bit i was travelling kuala lumpur and malaysia and singapore for 15 days. it was an extremely inspirational trip….and all the meetings with the fashion scene in KL worked out brilliant. one of the guys who made the meetings possible is the one and only AYIE_haswari ali (ayie ali)…fashion editor and the creative brain behind the most successful malayan entertainment and fashion web site….is not only the most famous online fashion editor of malaysia..he is also an fabric expert, from batik to ikat he has the over knowledge about the traditional and modern craft scene in malaysia. in his column DETECTIF  STAILISTA he writes about the most important V.I.P´s and actors, the happening singer and celebrities….up to fashion news from the  royal family….ayie has the talent and the power and is for sure THE rising star as malaysians number one lifetyle editor. he has the rare ability to report  about fashion critically with a human sense of humour !! if you ever have to work one a fashion subject in malaysia…..i would more than recommend ayie and his team. a warm and big thank you goes out to his awesome fashion colleague KIMMY…..who is a „mall“ expert…and helped me a lot to find the sometimes hidden trend  treasures and fashion hotspot’s  in KL…..


expect some more info in the next days.

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