summer 14 trends in the shoez biz mag

…stilsicher im kulturellen mix… beginnt der bericht des magazins SHOEZ , über die 4 trendtehmen des MODEUROP zum thema taschentrends sommer 2014……die konkrete taschenmode gibt es ja dann auf den catwalk shows der ILM im september……uta riechers-wuttke

trend confirmation su_14_cph fashion week

esigners remix catwalk show was aonther highlight…the location was europes biggest salt water aquarium, so the show was enriched with sharks, stingrays and barracudas, to underline the theme of the su 14 collection : the deep blue sea. the wood wood was solid…emotinoal…sportwear driven…with a touch of hyper modern nautic touch: the nappa two tone coloured leather jackets were our favorites.

concerning the fairs it was a big surprise to see that the ciff has developed very successfully, even in a high end fashion direction with brands like christopher raebrun and style butler the ciff proved that the fair is back again stronger than ever.

cph vison was less street orientated, more casual and female. the gallery was once again our favourite: inspiring, fresh, with a very well selected mix of conceptual fashion brands, neo streetwear lines an a strong accessory offer.

see you next season copenhagen. thanks to the press teams of all fairs an showrooms for the über professional service and organisation: one ticket for all fairs—free shuttle services to all fair locations

panorama fair magazine_interview with nextguruNow.

…the new edition of the panorama magazine no.2, is published online today, and gives an excellent overview of the current situation of the fashion industry. many thanks to the panorama team and ralf strotmeier for this interview about our agency. we wish you a successful panorama berlin fair…read the interview CHASING THE ZEITGEIST in the panorama fair magazine N0.2 here:


In 1995, the two fashion designers Uta Riechers-Wuttke and Martin Wuttke formed their Berlin agency nextguruNow, offering trend forecasts and design services for fashion and accessories companies. Panorama Berlin Magazine met the two for an interview in their creative office in Berlin-Mitte.

Your trend agency nextguruNow has been involved in the fashion industry for over 15 years now; to what factors do you attribute your success? The product is the cornerstone of every brand and our primary focus. From checking existing design concepts to restructuring collections, trend research can help define the right type of positioning. However, we have to consider various concepts and designs for a brand, to properly capture and express its soul. We offer professional support during design processes, adapted to our customers’ individual needs.

What is the emphasis of your work? To help give our customers a strategic lead in the market, we anticipate which trends will be most influential in the lifestyle sector, the arts, music, and, of course, fashion. Personalised trend books for fashion and bag labels are also what make us unique. We also focus on exclusive designs for leatherware. Last, but not least, trend

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club to catwalk_fashion expo at v&a london

80s new romantics make an exhibition of themselves at v&a museum in london

from boy george to visage, steve strange, up to marc almond to sigue sigue sputnik . the new romantics made one of the most impressive fashion statements in history. a must see is the creative explosion of london fashion in the 1980s in a major exhibition at the v&a:

victoria and albert museum

10 july 2013 – 16 february 2014

more than 85 outfits….london fashion in the 1980s showcases the bold and exciting new looks by the most experimental young designers of the decade, including betty jackson, katharine hamnett, wendy dagworthy and john galliano.

here are the details from the v&a press department:„the exhibition traces the emerging theatricality in british fashion as the capital’s vibrant and eclectic club scene influenced a new

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…interview mit nextguruNow in der TM accessoires

…im interview mit cordelia albert gibt es einen einblick in die arbeit unserer agentur….trend research_ design entwicklungen…..: TM Edition No. 02 Shoes & Accessoires März.

Die Berliner Trendagentur nextguruNow hat sich auf Design-Dienstleistungen und Trend-Prognosen im Bereich Mode und Accessoires spezialisiert. Mit Uta Riechers-Wuttke und Martin Wuttke sprach Cordelia Albert über die Trends von morgen, Inspirationsquellen und die schöne Welt der Accessoires. Interview: Cordelia Albert, Fotos: nextguruNow

Frau Riechers-Wuttke, Herr Wuttke heute New York, morgen Paris. Immer sind Sie ich sage es mal etwas salopp auf der Jagd nach den neuesten Trends. Wie war denn die „Beute“? Was haben Sie gesehen? Wie lautet Ihre Trendvorhersage?

Martin Wuttke: Um es vorweg zu sagen, der Begriff Trendvorhersage sollte nicht falsch verstanden werden. Da wir meist bereits ein ganzes Jahr im Voraus Aussagen über neue Richtungen im Bereich, Farbe, Form und Material treffen, geht es darum, für unsere Kunden die „Marschrichtung“, die generelle Ausrichtung der Trends zu skizzieren und griffig zu definieren. Dies ist sehr übergreifend und betrifft die Bereiche Lifestyle,  „consumer attitudes“, also Verbraucherverhalten,, Musik und natürlich Fashion und die konkreten Produkte. Bei unseren individuellen Beratungsverträgen gehen wir dann noch spezifischer und punktgenauer auf die einzelnen Produktentwicklungen ein bis hin zum konkreten Designprozess.

Uta Riechers-Wuttke: Zu Beginn der Saison wurde auch von uns viel über „das neue Schwarz“ und die dunkle Trendthematik „Dark Angels“   gesprochen. Hier stellte sich im Laufe der Ordersaison heraus, dass die

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